Sunday, April 20, 2014

Facebook...going Myspace?

Remember   I do.  I remember being in High School spending my days putting up a new profile page and song, setting my mood and thinking I was so cool.  Oh how I loved Myspace.  It was my space in the  It was my leap after ICQ (who remembers ICQ?)

Then came  I resisted at first.  When my newly minted husband moved over to Facebook I felt a sense of betrayal.  There was no way in hell I was moving to Facebook.... then I decided I'd do both and pretty soon, I decided I didn't need Myspace.  I moved to Facebook full time.  I posted my status updates religiously.  Then the New Facebook came... I started back into my "Myspace" ways.  I update my cover photo to show my stance in the world, I work for days to get the perfect profile pic and I include my mood with my status updates.  I'm now in my 30's and my husband isn't so new (12 years)..... and I'm starting to get bored with Facebook....  Social media is like a relationship I can't handle for too long.  I feel like Facebook is the pet I felt like I had to have, fell in love with, put time and effort into and now I've lost interest, but I don't just want to kick it to the curb... and all my "friends"...

I tried Twitter... and I just felt like I was saying 140 characters to absolutely no one.  I was over it in no time.  It was a quick fling I regretted.  I blame alcohol...though I don't drink....

Now I'm starting to get into Google+, but my friends aren't there yet.  I'm not 100% sure how it works.  But I think I'm about to jump ship again and say goodbye to Facebook. Is Google+ the next big thing?  I think it could be.  What do you think?  Is there something better?  What is your favorite social media site?

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I was reading an article about an older news story where a boy in a drunk driving case used the defense of "Affluenza", where kids of rich parents or influential parents feel a sense of entitlement and in turn make poor decisions.

I guess I am confused, as a parent of 3 and sitting firmly in the bracket of "Upper Middle Class" but starting out right above Poverty, don't most kids make bad decisions?  I grew up from anything but an affluent home and I made horrible choices as a teen.  Looking back now that I am in my 30's, I assume those bad choices were made because I was a stupid teenager who felt the rules of life didn't apply to me.  I probably continued to make bad choices up until my mid-20's.  I know there are teens and young adults who are always and forever on the straight and narrow.  Good for them. As much as up-bringing probably helped, I do believe firmly personality and how you process the world influences you more than saint parents.  I don't think  "affluent" youth feel anymore entitled than their less fortunate counterparts. All youth feel entitled.  We just hate the rich more as a society.  We can't stand other peoples success and therefore we automatically say they are getting "special treatment".  Maybe, maybe not.  They may have better means to defend themselves.  And as a parent, if my child did something incredibly stupid that hurt as many people as this kid, I would feel horrible and awful, but I would also know my child and I would know he is not evil and I would fight to keep him from serving time in Jail and Prison and get him help in some other way.  Now if this kid or any kid continuously gets in trouble and become "criminal" in nature.. they deserve lock up.  But for those kids, teens and young adults that do one stupid, stupid thing... I think there is a better way to get them help, have them serve their community in an honest manner (talking to youth as an example) taking privileges away such as driving or traveling outside the US etc... but not locking them up and saying they are no good pieces of crap.

So what do you think?  Be honest?  Do you loathe the wealthy kids of America?  Or are all kids and teens just dumb at some point or another, some more than others.  If it was your teen, would you fight like hell to keep them out of the system?  Would you pull everything you've got to help them?  Would you insist your kid is a good kid.  Is there really such a thing as "Affluenza" or are all youth of America living with a sense of entitlement and invincibility no matter their parents financial bracket?

Friday, April 11, 2014


*warning*  (This blog is meant for entertainment purposes.  Grammar Police need not get their panties in a bunch.  It's okay.  I'm not a writer by trade.  Just a person with a lot of thoughts on their mind).

Welcome to my blog!  This blogs purpose is to show what I see in the world, what I read in the news, hear on the radio, talk about with my co-workers etc... and put it out there with how I view it for anyone who happens to stumble upon it.  If you have a differing opinion, please share!  I love interactive discussion.  I am one whose brain never quits, I love learning as much as I can about the world around me.  I tend to take on the worlds problems on my shoulders and in my heart.  So this is a means for me to get it out of my system.

Just so you know about me.  I am a mother to three children.  I have been married to my husband for 12 years.  I married when I was 19 years old and do not regret it one bit.  I was lucky enough to marry my best friend.  I work at an elementary school as a special ed para and love it.  I feel very protective of those in life who tend to be forgotten or looked upon as a burden by society.  I like to see everyone succeed and reach their fullest potential.  I am not religious at all, though I do believe in a God, however, not one bound by the words of man.  I believe in equal rights for all and am a huge advocate for the LGBTQ+ community.  I personally identify as "Gender Blind", as my attraction to people has nothing to do with their gender in any way, shape or form.  I connect on a completely different level and whatever is down below doesn't really factor into it.  I think this tends to be a very misunderstood identity, but it is how I label myself and that's that.

I do not know a lot about politics.  I personally think all parties are screwed up and out for themselves and I hate even listening to it because it just feels like an abusive relationship.  So most of my posts probably won't go this way, but may on occasion.

Let's see, what else can I throw out there so you can understand where my future posts are coming from.....  I believe in the right to die, I believe in the right to refusing medical treatment.  I believe in women's reproductive rights, I believe also very strongly in father's rights to their children.  I do not believe in capital punishment and I support legalizing marijuana.

I suffer from anxiety...because of that, I used to make stuff up and never let anyone know the real me.... I've learned to love myself and my awesomeness and love life too much to care... though I still get panic attacks... but I can roll with them better now.  Now I am not ashamed about it and share my struggles with anyone and everyone who needs reassurance that it's not something to feel guilty about or to hide.  It's just a part of who I am.

So there I am in a nutshell.  This was my introduction blog.  I hope you enjoyed it.  My future blogs will have more substance. 

Until then - Project Love to Receive Love 
